is a Certified Jungian Psychoanalyst and Licensed
Psychotherapist. Her warm and inviting office is located in North Admiral in the West Seattle area of Seattle, Washington.
Suzan is a member of the C. G. Jung Institute of Seattle (CGJIS), which is a member organization of the International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP), with headquarters in Zürich, Switzerland.

Woodcut of triple-headed dragon
from Giovanni Battista Nazari.
Il metamorfosi metallico, Brescia, 1564
As a Jungian Psychoanalyst, Suzan’s work is based on the experiences and theories of Swiss Psychiatrist,
C. G. Jung (1875–1961). Jungian psychology concentrates on identifying the healing potentials within each person to help the individual to develop a meaningful life.
Suzan is passionate about working with dreams, synchronicities, numinous experiences and other manifestations of the unconscious mind. She considers these appearances of the unconscious in daily life to be some of the most important pieces of information about a person’s inner strivings. In exploring this deeper information we frequently find these unconscious moments have always been present in our earliest dreams, memories and experiences. The process of exploring these inner messages can often lead the way to rich creative endeavors as well as to a meaningful work life, making necessary life-changes and to enriching personal relationships that are in closer union with these inner inklings. Her passion is rooted in years of experience and professional training and in working with her own dreams and unconscious process.
For over twenty years Suzan has been working on a research project, based on a dream. The research and the many conversations and formal interviews with published and lay scholars, professors, researchers and many others with similar interests, have taken Suzan to Europe for extended research adventures to investigate the hints given in the dream. The results of this research are being prepared for a book publication.
Suzan has 44 years of training and experience as a Psychotherapist, helping people with conditions such as depression, anxiety, relationship problems, job-related stresses and family-of-origin difficulties. She trained to become a Jungian Analyst at the Jung institute in Seattle and has been an IAAP Certified Jungian Analyst since 2008.
Suzan holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology and has been licensed since 1989 in Washington State as a Marriage and Family Therapist and a Mental Health Counselor. She maintains her California Marriage and Family Therapy license, received in 1980. She is also a member of the C.G. Jung Society, and the Northwest Alliance for Psychoanalytic Study.
Suzan enjoys writing, historical and scientific research, hiking in the woods, photography, painting and pottery. She is also classically trained as a singer of opera, Lieder and oratorio.